Wednesday, May 26, 2010





An estimated 31 U.S. states mostly located in the Midwest actively farm soybeans, an industry with increasing profits into the multi-billions of dollars each year. Soybeans are manufactured for use in: biodiesel, hydraulic oil, grease, ink, solvents, plastics…….infant formulas, foods, and beverages.

“Soybean, genistein, daidzein” (soy estrogenic isoflavones) are included on the FDA Poison Plant Database, while FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg is yet to reveal soy toxicity as relevant for public knowledge.

At the same time that dog and cat food manufacturers label their healthiest brands: “Contains No Soy,” soy is increasingly marketed as nutritional for human consumption including that of our most developmentally fragile infants and children. Nearly 25% of American babies are regularly fed soy-based infant formulas, many times as 100% of their dietary intake. Soy is more recently added to a number of cow-milk formulas, as well as numerous infant and child foods and beverages. Soy is also in the mix of some vaccines such as Hib/HepB, and pneumococcal.

The 2010 Draft NTP (National Toxicology Program) Brief on Soy Infant Formula reports, “Soy protein isolate contains isoflavones with estrogenic activity called ‘phyto-estrogens,’ a subset of plant-derived compounds with biological activity similar to the female hormone estrogen…..Phytoestrogens (genistein, daidzein and glycitein) are found in many soy-based food products. CAN SOY INFANT FORMULA OR ITS ISOFLAVONE CONTENTS ADVERSELY AFFECT HUMAN DEVLEOPMENT? Possibly. The possibility that soy infant formula may adversely affect human development cannot be dismissed. These blood levels in infants can exceed maximum concentrations of total genistein associated with dose levels of genistein that caused adverse developmental effects in rodents. Daidzein has estrogenic activity of its own.…. (There is)‘Clear
Evidence’ of Adverse Effects of Genistein/Genistin in Studies Where Treatment Occurred During Lactation. (There is) ‘Clear Evidence’ of Adverse Effects of Genistein in Studies with Gestational, Lactational and Post-Weaning Treatment.”

“Gestation, lactation, and post-weaning” are in fact the exact fetal, infant, and child developmental timeframe (treatment) exposures of soy formula and foods of which the NTP reports soy causation of “observed adverse effects.” Scientific studies prove that soy products consumed during pregnancy transfer soy plant-estrogens through the bloodstream to her fetus, and then again to her infant while breast feeding.

Is it that pet manufacturers deliberately deprive dogs and cats from soy nutrition? Or, do they avoid soy estrogenic toxicity to spare our pets from reported adverse effects?

Researching the National Institute of Health (NIH) websites Toxnet and Pubmed, several hundred (rodent, animal, and human) scientific studies conclude that soy plant-estrogens: genistein, daidzein, and glycitein are active estrogenic endocrine (hormone) disruptors. Dr. Michael Shelby of the NTP, Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction, concurs that soy is an “estrogenic endocrine disruptor,” and according to the NTP, “Endocrine Disrupting Agents mimic or interfere with natural hormones in the body. Endocrine disruptors may turn on, shut off, or modify signals that hormones carry and thus affect the normal functions of tissues and organs.”

Besides health-threatening soy estrogenic endocrine disruptors, soy also “naturally” contains phytic acid and multiple heavy metals that are not entirely eliminated by processing. Phytic acid blocks the absorption of: calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and other essential minerals required for normal physiological and neurological development.

The 2010 Draft NTP Brief on Soy Infant Formula reports: “Aluminum from mineral salts is found in soy infant formula at concentrations of 600-1300 ng/mL, levels that exceed aluminum concentrations in human milk, 4-65ng/mL.”

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirms: “Brain and bone disease caused by high levels of aluminum in the body has been seen in children…..Aluminum from the mother can enter her unborn baby through the placenta.”

Coinciding with highest levels of aluminum, studies report additional soybean heavy metals that also have potential to cause adverse developmental effects: cadmium, thallium, lead, and toxic levels of manganese.

Soy is also scientifically established as an inhibitor of essential enzymes: trypsin, topoisomerase II, and tyrosine kinase of which each of these are proven as necessary for normal physiological and neurological development and growth.

Soybeans contain harmful anti-nutrients such as: saponins that induce inflammation of the small intestine, lectins that block absorption of important nutrients, cyanogenic glycosides (cyanide) a low level poison, and hemagglutinins that decrease the ability of red blood cells to properly absorb and distribute oxygen throughout the body.

FDA Federal Register 1999 reports: “GRAS status of soy protein food ingredients did not include a thorough evaluation of the safety of potentially harmful components, e.g. lysinoalanine, nitrites, and nitrosamines, trypsin inhibitors, phytate and isoflavones.”

Soy infant formulas and foods are not FDA approved as nutritional or safe. As a matter of fact, the first 3 highest level ingredients listed on soy-based infant formulas are: Corn syrup, soy, and sugar…..of which individually are proven as developmentally toxic, and worse together.

At this date in time there exists a cornucopia of scientific study confirmation that soy’s multiple anti-nutrients, heavy metals, enzyme inhibitors, phytic acid, and estrogenic hormone disruptors are NOT an exception to the rule of overwhelming evidence proving the destruction of physiological, reproductive, and neurological health, particularly to our most developmentally fragile fetus, infant and child.

Over and above the developmental health and well-being of our children, it remains the pet industry that actively promotes the best health of dogs and cats while manufacturing safe and nutritional pet foods that: “Contains No Soy.”

1 comment:

  1. Yes , soybeans have high capacity to maintain the fitness. in soy have high percentage protein.

    whey protein
